New Agreement on Air Services was signed on Wednesday (April 9, 2024) and needs Congressional approval to come into force

Brazil and the United Kingdom signed, on Wednesday (April 10, 2024), an agreement that determines that airlines from both countries will be able to freely determine the offer of bilateral flights for passengers and cargo. Currently, there is a weekly flight limit “of” e “for” the nations.

The new Agreement on Air Services updates the one signed in 1946. The text was signed by the substitute minister for Foreign Affairs, Maria Laura da Rocha, and the United Kingdom ambassador, Stephanie Al-Qaq. It still needs to receive approval from the National Congress to come into force.

By updating the 1946 bilateral legal framework, the new agreement contemplates the right to transport passengers and cargo between the territories of Brazil and the United Kingdom and the territory of a 3rd State, on flights to or from the signatory countries.”, says Itamaraty.

The agreement expands, according to the Brazilian government, the permission for cargo service operations, enabling airlines from both countries to “carry out international cargo transportation without the requirement that the operation begin or end in the company’s country of origin”.

The new text “will offer greater legal security for companies operating routes between Brazil and the United Kingdom, contributing to increasing the bilateral flow of trade and tourism”.


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