According to a survey by the “New York Times”, 12% hold the president responsible for overturning the “Roe vs Wade” decision

A survey published by New York Times this Wednesday (May 15, 2024) shows that 12% of Democrats hold the President of the United States, Joe Biden, responsible for the restrictions to abortion in the country, despite it say in favor the legal termination of pregnancy. 78% of those interviewed linked to the Democratic Party said that former President Donald Trump was to blame.

Abortion in the USA has been legal since 1973 thanks to the decision known as “Roe vs Wade”but, by decision of the Supreme Court, it was banned again in 2022.

The survey’s total responses reveal that 56% of respondents hold Trump responsible for the end of legal abortion in the United States, 17% believe that Biden was responsible and 18% were unable to respond.

In states considered decisive for the 2024 presidential elections, almost 20% of Democratic voters blamed Biden for the end of the constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy.

Among respondents linked to the Republican Party, 42% said that Trump was responsible for the restrictions, while 22% said that Biden was responsible.

The research was carried out jointly by New York Times, Siena College e Philadelphia Inquirer in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Numbers of respondents and research methodology were not reported.


Roe v. Wade was one of the most iconic cases heard by the Supreme Court in the last 50 years. Under the argument of the constitutional right to privacy, the legislation granted North American women the possibility of terminating their pregnancy up to the 24th week of pregnancy.

In 1973, at the age of 22, Norma McCorvey – who later became known under the pseudonym Jane Roe – sought a clandestine clinic in the State of Texas to terminate her third pregnancy.

She no longer had custody of her first 2 children because she did not have a steady job, was a drug user and had been homeless. The options, however, were limited: Texas only allowed abortion if there was a risk to the pregnant woman’s life, which was not the case with Roe.

She then met attorneys Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee, who were looking for any women willing to sue over Texas laws restricting access to abortion. The Jane Roe case was used strategically by lawyers, who had long disagreed with the treatment given to reproductive rights in Texas. When it arrived at the Supreme Court, there was an opinion in favor of terminating the pregnancy by 7 votes to 2.


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