The day after the closing of coalitions for the October 22 general elections, vice-president Cristina Kirchner criticized President Alberto Fernández, the threats to judicialize the process of primaries within the ruling bloc, and praised one of the possible candidates for the presidency. In a tone of national unity, she also spoke of the debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which, according to her, is the country’s biggest problem.
“We need to reflect and encourage dialogue between all political forces to address the indebtedness with the IMF, because this is Argentina’s main problem and it was not created by us”, said Kirchner during an event on Thursday night (15), on the loan taken out in 2018, during Mauricio Macri’s management.
At that point, Argentina had been free from the IMF since 2006, since then-president Néstor Kirchner (1950-2010), her husband, paid the Argentine debt, ending a historic 50-year relationship that did not allow the country to build its own economic direction.
::’The debt with the IMF explains the economic crisis in Argentina’, says an expert::
Speaking about the IMF, the vice-president took the opportunity to praise Axel Kicillof, governor of the province (state) of Buenos Aires, one of the politicians who dreams most highly of being the government candidate for the Presidency. “When the agreement with the vulture funds was discussed in the Chamber of Deputies, it was Axel Kicillof who warned that if we paid that debt, we would end up back at the IMF, which ended up happening”.
Vulture funds are investment funds specialized in buying high-risk assets aiming at high returns, often through lawsuits.
Regarding the possibility of being the candidate herself, Cristina limited herself to defending her two terms (2007-2015) and saying that she is “stripped of all vanity and ambition”. After Fernández withdrew from re-election, militancy asked for Kirchner’s candidacy. But after that, she withdrew from the candidacy.
Macri, Fernandez and the IMF
Macri contracted the current debt with the IMF, but after him came Fernández. Although he is his deputy, Kirchner does not forgive him either. “If you want to be president and run for office, it’s because you want to govern the country and say what will be done. For that you need resources, that’s why Néstor carried out the most pragmatic act that anyone remembers, which was to pay the IMF and recover the helm of the economy”, she said, differentiating between the lines the conduct of her ex-husband and the current president.
President Fernández, who also participated in a public event on Thursday, said that, beyond any difference, he has the “same project for the country” as Cristina Kirchner, and argued that “most Argentines do not feel that they live in a failed society” . He cited economic data and employment generation to support his point of view. In a play on words with the new name of the ruling coalition, which ceased to be “Front of All” and is now “Union for the Homeland”, he declared: “Now that we are united for the homeland, let’s place value on the homeland”.
Kirchner also mentioned the coalition’s new name and gave his version of why it was chosen. For her, all Argentines, regardless of political affiliation, need the bi-monetary economy to be extinguished (the peso and the dollar are current currencies) and that this allows for a “national, patriotic posture towards those who demand adjustment programs”. “It is necessary to return to exercising love for the motherland”.
Regarding the threat of judicialization of the process of primaries in the ruling group, the vice-president declared: “It is surprising to hear that within the political space itself, they threaten to resort to the Judicial Party, with everything we’ve been through, with everything that happened to me. of causes or convictions, I speak of attempted murder and impunity”. It is a reference to the Minister of Security, Aníbal Fernández, and advisers to the campaign of Daniel Scioli, ambassador in Brazil, who declared their intention to appeal to Justice if the rule for the primaries was not as they defended.
With information from Página 12 and the Telam agency.
Editing: Thales Schmidt
Source: www.brasildefato.com.br