Group calls for impeachment of Alexandre de Moraes and thanks the owner of X, Elon Musk, for defending “freedom of expression”

A group of Brazilians held this Friday (April 26, 2024) a demonstration in front of the luxury hotel The Peninsula, London, England, against “censorship” in Brazil. The venue hosts the 1st Brazil Legal Forum of Ideas. The program features panels by 3 ministers from the STF (Supreme Federal Court): Alexandre de Moraes, Gilmar Mendes and Dias Toffoli. Ministers from the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) government and congressmen also participate.

The group used Brazilian flags and displayed posters thanking the owner of . It also asked for the impeachment de Moraes. A man with a megaphone spoke asking “freedom of expression”.



The owner of X has been criticizing the STF minister since the release of the report on Twitter Files Brazil, by Michael Shellenberger, on Wednesday (April 3). According to the American journalist, the minister has “led a case of widespread repression of freedom of expression in Brazil”. read more in this report.

The critical comments escalated and Musk called the minister a “tyrant”, “totalitarian” e “draconiano”saying he should “resign or be impeached”.

In response, Moraes determined on Sunday the inclusion of the owner of X as being investigated in the digital militia investigationfiled in July 2021 and which investigates groups for conduct against democracy.

Also opened a new investigation to investigate the businessman’s conduct. The magistrate wants the crime of obstruction of justice to be investigated, “including criminal organization and incitement to crime”.

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