Annualized IPCA increased by 3.7%; Türkiye occupies 1st place in the ranking with price index
Brazil has the 7th highest inflation in the G20 in the 12 months up to April. The country’s price index closed the period with an increase of 3.7%. It is tied with Russia. The survey was sent to Poder360 by the Austin Rating agency.
The G20 brings together the 19 largest economies in the world plus the African Union and the European Union. In some countries, the data consider projections for the price index in April.
In relation to the end of 2023, Brazil maintained its position on the list of countries with the highest inflation. At the end of the year it was in 7th place with the annualized rate em 4,6%.
Inflation indices are used to measure price changes. In other words, how much the money is actually worth. In short, a product that cost R$100 now costs R$110 if broad inflation varies by 10% upwards.
O Poder360 There is a report that explains in detail what inflation is. Read here.
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Brazil occupies 6th place in the ranking of inflation accumulated throughout 2024 (from January to April). The rate increased 1.8% in the interval.
The top of the list is occupied by Argentina (66.7%). O top 3 ends with Türkiye (18.7%) and Russia (2.5%).
Measured by the IPCA (Broad National Consumer Price Index), Brazil’s annualized inflation fell from 3.9% in March to 3.7% in April. It was the lowest rate since June 2023, when it was 3.16%. The IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) released the data this Friday (May 10, 2024).
Monthly inflation was 0.38% in April. It accelerated 0.22 percentage points compared to March, when it was 0.16%. Here is the full report (PDF – 761 kB).
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/economia/brasil-tem-7a-maior-inflacao-do-g20-em-12-meses/