Former president says that freedom is the “beginning of anything”; owner of X escalated his tone against Alexandre de Moraes

Former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) said on Saturday (April 6, 2024) that the owner of X (formerly Twitter), Elon Musk, is the “myth of our freedom”. The speech was made on the social network in the context of the escalation of the businessman’s tone against Alexandre de Moraes, minister of the STF (Supreme Federal Court).

The former president’s publication was accompanied by a video in which he appears alongside Musk at an event held on May 20, 2022. In the recording, Bolsonaro says they call him a myth and says that freedom is the “v” zero, “it is the beginning of anything, without it we are nobody”.

“They call me a myth here, I don’t know why, but you really are the myth of our freedom. And freedom is the ‘v’ zero. It is the beginning for anything, without it we are nobody, we are just a vegetable. But thank you very much for this moment. It is a moment of great satisfaction for all Brazilians. It’s not just for the government and some businesspeople who are here, for all of us. We want to work hand in hand with you to make the world better for everyone. Thank you very much”says Bolsonaro.

Watch the video of Bolsonaro and Musk:


Musk made a public challenge to the STF minister’s determinations and said he was thinking about closing X in Brazil. The comment came after American journalist Michael Shellenberger shared what he called “Twitter Files” – read more in this report.

In his post, the journalist says that “Brazil is involved in a case of broad repression of freedom of expression led by Supreme Court minister Alexandre de Moraes”.

On Saturday (Apr 6), Musk directly asked Alexandre de Moraes why the magistrate demanded so much censorship of X, making a reference to the content revealed by the so-called “Twitter Files” in the case of Brazil.

On the same date, he said that the Federal Supreme Court practiced “aggressive censorship” and that seemed “violate the law and the will of the people of Brazil”.

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