Former US president rushed from rally after gunshots heard

Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) used his social media profiles this Saturday (13.Jul.2024) to express solidarity with former US President Donald Trump (Republican).

Trump was attending a rally in Pennsylvania when the event was interrupted by sounds that resembled gunshots. The Republican candidate for the White House was escorted off the stage. He appeared to be injured, with blood coming from his right ear.

Bolsonaro said he was waiting for “speedy recovery” of Trump and that he hopes to see him at the inauguration, in reference to the Republican’s possible victory in the November elections. Read Bolsonaro’s message:

Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) also spoke out on his social media profiles. He shared a message that said, in an ironic tone, that Adélio Bispo’s lawyers had left for Pennsylvania – the Federal Police confirmed in June 2024 that the man who stabbed Bolsonaro in 2018 acted alone.

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