During the opening of the “Brazil Forum UK”, in the United Kingdom, the president of the STF said he was mistaken for sports narrator Luís Roberto
When introducing yourself to the participants of the “Brazil Forum UK”in the United Kingdom, this Saturday (June 22, 2024), the president of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), Roberto Barroso, 66 years old, said he had been confused with sports narrator Luís Roberto, 63 years old, from TV Globoand claimed to be “other” Luís Roberto, from life “much harder”.
The minister told the story during the opening of the forum. He said he would introduce himself before giving the speech toor because of the confusion between his name and that of the journalist from Globo.
Barroso stated that he was with his wife in a restaurant when a waiter began the following dialogue: “I know you from somewhere. Mr. It’s famous, isn’t it? I will remember who Mr. It is”.
“Didn’t remember”declared Barroso. “When I paid the bill, I handed over my credit card. He came back looking triumphant and said: ‘Ah ha! Luís Roberto, sports announcer for ‘TV Globo’”.
Afterwards, Barroso said: “I want to say that I am another, possibly with a much harder life.”
Watch (1min6s):
The Luís Roberto to whom the STF minister refers is Luís Roberto de Múcio, 63 years old, narrator of the TV Globo. He has been with the broadcaster since 1997.
The president of the Supreme Court spoke this Saturday morning (June 22) at the opening of the “Brazil Forum UK”event annual organized by Brazilian students in the United Kingdom. The theme of the 2024 edition is “sustainability, inclusion, innovation and equity”.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/justica/barroso-sugere-ter-vida-mais-dura-que-jornalista-da-globo/