Viken Shipping, Viken Shuttle and Viken Fleet were accused of enabling the payment of undue advantages to one of the former presidents of a Petrobras subsidiary
The Brazilian government signed this Thursday (June 13, 2024) a leniency agreement worth R$ 152 million with 3 Norwegian companies operating in the maritime navigation market. The agreement was signed by the AGU (Advocacia Geral da UniĂŁo) and the CGU (Comptroller General of the Union) with the companies Viken Shipping, Viken Shuttle and Viken Fleet.
The companies were accused of enabling the payment of undue advantages to one of the former presidents of Transpetro Internacional, a subsidiary of Petrobras, in oil tanker charter contracts. The name of the former manager was not disclosed.
Negotiations to sign the agreement began in 2020 and were monitored by the MPF (Federal Public Ministry). The amount that will be paid by the companies includes reimbursement to the public coffers, return of the payment of undue advantage, in addition to the payment of a fine provided for in the Improbity Law.
During the process, the representatives of the Norwegian companies stated that they had no prior knowledge nor authorized the payment of undue advantages on behalf of the company, but assumed objective responsibility for the irregularity.
With information from Brazil Agency.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/governo/agu-e-cgu-assinam-acordo-de-leniencia-com-empresas-da-noruega/