Among Democrats, the rate is 47%; in case of withdrawal, Vice President Kamala Harris is the preferred candidate to replace the president

Search from Morning Consult released by Axios on Friday (June 28, 2024) shows that 60% of American voters want the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to be replaced by another Democrat. Rejection by the population grew after the Chief Executive showed weaknesses during the presidential debate on Thursday (June 27).

For 29% of respondents, Biden should not be replaced. Another 11% said they did not know. The survey interviewed 2,068 people online. The margin of error is 2 percentage points, either way.

Considering only those who watched the debate, the percentage in favor of changing Biden is higher: 63%. Among Democrats, the scenario is also not encouraging: 47% said that the president should be replaced.

The survey also asked respondents who should take Biden’s place if he drops out of the race. For the 3rd%, Vice President Kamala Harris is the best fit. In 2nd place comes the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, with 20%.



During his clash with Donald Trump on Thursday (June 27), the Democrat’s advanced age seemed to have an impact on him. At several points, Biden appeared to be rambling. He also had an apparent irritation in his throat that caused him to cough and clear his throat several times.

At other times, he got stuck and couldn’t finish his thoughts, like when he was dealing with Medicare and immigration.

Watch moments when the Democrat gets stuck during the debate:


A wing of the Democratic Party agrees that Biden should be replaced in the 2024 elections. In an interview with CNNDavid Axelrod, one of the party’s most respected strategists, stated that there will be “discussions” in the acronym whether he should continue as the Democratic candidate against Trump.

“There is a sense of shock at how he came out at the start of this debate, how his voice sounded. He seemed a little disoriented.”said Axelrod, who was a direct adviser to Barack Obama.

The former White House communications director in the Biden administration, Kate Bedingfield, also criticized the president’s performance in the debate. A CNNsaid he failed to address concerns voters have because of his age.

“His biggest problem is that he had to prove to the American people that he has the energy and the stamina, and he hasn’t done that,” Bedingfield said. The former communications director defined Biden’s participation as “disappointing”and added that it was a concern for the party.

However, the candidate signaled that he is not likely to give up his candidacy. At a campaign event in North Carolina, Biden said he knows “how to do this job”. He acknowledged that he was not a young man, but said he knew how “tell the truth”.

“I don’t walk as easily as I used to, I don’t talk as softly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth. I know what’s right and what’s wrong. I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done.”said the Democrat.


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