Young people from the BRICS countries are gathered in the Russian city of Ulyanovsk to discuss the role of the media in shaping the multipolar world | Photo: 3rd BRICS Youth Camp

This week, youth representatives from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are meeting in the Russian city of Ulyanovsk to discuss the role of the media in building a multipolar world.

During the 3rd BRICS International Youth Camp, participants have access to seminars with communication experts from the countries of the economic group and access to practical training to learn how to conduct interviews, report international events and identify fake news.

The meeting has the active participation of Brazilians, both among specialists and among youth representatives. One of the organizers of the delegation is Henrique Domingues, a master’s student in International Trade at the State University of Economics and Finance in St. Petersburg.

“The objective of the event is to promote relations between the youth of the BRICS countries to create the bases for the consolidation of the new reality of the geopolitical scenario”, said Domingues to Sputnik Brasil. “The theme of the event, focused on discussing communication and media issues, guided a ‘de-Westernized’ communication system, mutual cooperation between countries and the fight against propaganda and fake news.”

According to the organizers of the event, reports produced by the western media about the BRICS countries tend to reinforce stereotypes and prejudices about these countries, making it necessary to strengthen cooperation in the field of the media, in order to disseminate objective information about the BRICS.

Brazilian Henrique Domingues (left) participates in the opening ceremony of the 3rd BRICS International Youth Camp, with the participation of the governor of the Ulianovsk region, Aleksei Russkikh (center), Ulianovsk, Russia, August 3 | Photo: 3rd BRICS Youth Camp

For Domingues, the role of the media is fundamental in shaping the public’s perception of subjects ranging from sports to international politics.

“Media can make people love or hate an athlete, an artist, a politician and even an entire country. That’s why I’m very interested in the subject, I always try to be well-informed about the strategies used by the media”, said Domingues.

Living with young people from China, India and South Africa is nothing new for this Brazilian, who actively participates in forums in the BRICS format.

“The multicultural and absolutely diverse exchange that exists in any BRICS event is always what I seek to add to my training”, said the Brazilian. “The BRICS initiative is important and representative for this new geopolitical moment, after all, each country exercises regional leadership.”

Young people from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa work together during the 3rd BRICS Youth Camp, in Ulianovsk, Russia, August 3, 2023. | Photo / 3rd BRICS Youth Camp

The young Indian Harshita Sharma, from the city of Jaipur, also prioritizes events in the BRICS format to complement her professional qualification.

“I am an enthusiast of International Relations, I am interested in working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country, so I want to get more practical experience in the area. It is important for me to see how global people come together, how the soft power of countries works in practice and what legacy I can leave to make the world a better place”, said Harshita Sharma to Sputnik Brasil.

For her, the youth of the BRICS countries should discuss ways to “overcome the hegemony and tendency towards unilateralism in the international system”. “We can unite to break this monopoly”, believes the Indian woman.

Despite the focus on media activities, the young people selected to participate in the forum have training in several areas. The Chinese Hua Mingqiang, for example, is starting his doctorate in data science at the National Research University, Russia’s Higher School of Economics.

“Since I came to live in Russia, I have participated in many international forums, not just in the BRICS format,” said Hua Minqiang to Sputnik Brasil. “I love interacting with people from other countries and exchanging ideas. I learn so many useful things in these meetings, which I can then even use for my academic research.”

Chinese youth participate in the activities of the 3rd BRICS Youth Camp, in Ulianovsk, Russia, Aug 3, 2023 | Photo / 3rd BRICS Youth Camp

The 3rd BRICS Youth Camp is also a space for authorities linked to the implementation of public policies to meet and evaluate the effectiveness of their activities. Such is the case with Onalerona Mahuma, a representative of the South African National Youth Development Agency (NYDA).

“My expectation is to know how the authorities of the other BRICS countries set goals and implement policies aimed at youth,” said Mahuma to Sputnik Brasil. “Also, I really wanted to see Russia and continue discussions about youth internationally.”

South Africa holds the presidency of the BRICS this year, which is why it organized the BRICS Youth Conference in Durban, in mid-July, and will host the Summit of Heads of State of the bloc, between the 22nd and 24th of August.

“Hosting this kind of international event is very good for young people in South Africa, because youth unemployment is quite high”, considered Mahuma. “The events also help us to better inform our young people who still don’t know what the BRICS group is. We want to include this group on this international journey.”

The 60 participants of the 3rd BRICS Youth Camp gathered in a hotel in the rural area of ​​the Ulyanovsk region between the 1st and 3rd of August, on the banks of the Volga River. Between the 3rd and 6th, the group will stay in the central region of the city to present media projects aimed at optimizing the dissemination of news about BRICS countries worldwide.

Source: Sputnik Brazil
Editing: Barbara Luz


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