Director of the organization said that the true impact of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria are still unknown
The WHO (World Health Organization) said this Tuesday (14.Feb.2023) that the earthquakes that hit Syria and Turkey are “the worst natural disaster in the European region” in 100 years. O nThe number of deaths in the 2 countries exceeded 41,000.
According to Hans Kluge, director of the organization in Europe, the “true cost [do terremoto] is not yet known” and recovery from impacts “will take time and phenomenal effort.” Come on full declaration (170KB, in English)
Kluge also reinforced the request for the international community to help Turkey and Syria and stated that 26 million people in both countries need humanitarian support.
“Now is the time for the international community to show the same generosity that Turkey has shown to other nations over the years. The country is home to the largest population of refugees in the world, many of whom have lost everything again,” he said at a press conference.
On Monday (Feb 6), earthquakes hit central Turkey and northwest Syria. The epicenter was in the Turkish region of Gaziantep. There were tremors of magnitude 7.8. The 2nd largest earthquake in the country occurred in Kahramanmaras. It reached 7.5 magnitude. At least 36,217 people died in the 2 countries.
The tremors were the strongest recorded in Turkey since 1939, when a 7.8-magnitude tremor hit the eastern city of Erzincan.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/pior-desastre-natural-na-europa-em-100-anos-diz-oms/