Photo: MFA Russia

Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov chaired the UN Security Council meeting on Monday (24), when he stated that the world had reached a “dangerous limit”, just like in the Cold War. Russia holds the council’s rotating presidency in April.

Lavrov’s demonstration takes place in reference to the speech that blames Russia for the war with Ukraine.

“As during the Cold War, we have reached the dangerous limit, possibly even more dangerous,” said Lavrov.

In his speech, the Russian chancellor reiterated that the responsibility for the events that led to the war lies with the West, under the influence of the United States and the European Union, since they advanced in the co-option of countries by NATO, contrary to the promises they made.

Read too: Mauro Vieira asks Serguei Lavrov for a ceasefire and lasting peace

“The situation is compounded by the loss of faith in multilateralism, when the West’s financial and economic aggression destroys the benefits of globalization, when the US and its allies abandon diplomacy and demand a battlefield confrontation. All this within the walls of the UN, created to avoid the horrors of war, ”she said.

Lavrov also reinforced the idea of ​​increasing representation on the Security Council with the permanent presence of countries from Latin America, Asia and Africa. This movement would be based on expanding the principle of multilateralism of the organization.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was at the meeting and highlighted that the war causes great suffering and destruction to Ukraine, a situation that aggravates the global economic conditions triggered by the covid-19 pandemic.

“Tensions between the great powers are at an all-time high. As well as the risks of conflict, due to misfortune or miscalculation”, he stated.

Ambassador João Genésio de Almeida, deputy permanent representative of Brazil to the United Nations (UN), also spoke out and maintained Brazil’s position for a ceasefire and for a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Almeida also recalled that the composition of the Council must be compatible with current geopolitical realities.


Brazil’s position in condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was, once again, reinforced by the Brazilian representative on the Council and is in line with the policy adopted by President Lula.

In turn, the president who is on the agenda in Europe, returned to criticize the invasion of Ukraine and asked, again, for a front for peace: “Whoever believes in military solutions to current problems fights against the winds of History. No solution to any conflict, national or international, will be lasting if it is not based on dialogue and political negotiation. Brazil understands the apprehension caused by the return of war to Europe. We condemn the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. We believe in an international order based on respect for International Law and the preservation of national sovereignty”, he said at the Portuguese Parliament, this Tuesday (25).

Lula also spoke of the importance of multilateralism and demanded a reformulation of the UN Security Council, as did Ambassador João Genésio.

“The United Nations Security Council is practically paralyzed. This is because its composition, determined at the end of World War II, 78 years ago, does not represent the correlation of forces in the contemporary world. […] Therefore, we defend a reform that results in the expansion of the Council, so that all regions are permanently represented, in order to make it more representative in its deliberative process and more effective in the implementation of its decisions”, completed Lula .

*With information from Brazil de Fato and Planalto


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