Financial institution did not want to disclose that it paid for the most expensive lecture at a seminar held in London, with Tony Blair; Minister Raul Araújo (STJ), one of the speakers at the event, is the bank’s actions rapporteur

Banco Master was one of the sponsors of the “1st Brasil de Ideias Legal Forum”, held in London from April 24th to 27th. The event was attended by ministers from the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Court of Justice. The institution has actions being processed in the 2 Courts.

The event was organized by Grupo Voto. The official program (3 MB – PDF) does not have the bank’s logo among the sponsors, although the institution’s president, Daniel Vorcaro, paid for the speech given by the British Tony Blair. To entertain the audience of Brazilians, there was a debate between the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Vorcaro.


The program only has the logo of the company FS Security, which made a minor contribution to the organization of the event; the names of the other sponsors were not disclosed

From the Judiciary, the following magistrates participated in the event (read the full list below with other authorities):

  • STF ministers – Alexandre de Moraes, Gilmar Mendes and Dias Toffoli;
  • STJ ministers – Luis Felipe Salomão, Antonio Saldanha Palheiro, Benedito Gonçalves, Mauro Campbell Marques and Raul Araújo.

A 20-minute talk by Tony Blair, according to a 2015 report by the British newspaper Daily Mail, it would cost at least 125 thousand pounds sterling. Now, according to the Poder360the fee charged fell a little and was around 120 thousand pounds (the equivalent of R$765 thousand in current conversion).


Banco Master has an action no Supremo Tribunal Federal. This is an appeal presented by the institution against the Union regarding the payment of CSLL (Social Contribution on Net Profit). The minister Gilmar Mendes is the rapporteur and participated in the London seminar on the panel “Institutional Stability and Legal Security for Attracting International Investments”:


No Superior Justice Tribunalthere is 27 actions of which Banco Master is part. Of these, the minister Raul Araújo is rapporteur for 3. Araújo also participated in the event sponsored in part by Master, in the panel “Mechanisms for Improving the Electoral Process”:


O Poder360 contacted Banco Master to ask what exactly the institution’s participation and sponsorship in the London forum was and why there is no mention of the company in the official program. The answer was that the main cost would be spent on the speech given by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. There were also expenses for bank employees, in addition to Daniel Vorcaro, who went to London and joined the Brazilian audience.

Banco Master did not want its name or logo to appear as a sponsor of the London event. To the Poder360the institution informed through its press office that hidden sponsorship would be a curious “brand strategy”.

O Poder360 also contacted Grupo Voto to ask why only FS Security was mentioned as a sponsor, given that this company contributed fewer resources than others whose names were hidden. Grupo Voto did not respond until the publication of this report. The space remains open and will be updated if a response is sent.


The discussion about events with judges financed by private companies divides the Judiciary. A normative act presented at the CNJ (National Council of Justice) in 2023 questioned the participation of magistrates as it considered that it could indicate a conflict of interests, as sponsors may have actions pending in court – as is the case with Banco Master, which took part. of the meeting of Brazilian authorities in London.

The rule did not prosper. The counselors committed to studying and debating a new text that regulates participation in private events. The winning vote was that of Luis Felipe Salomão, one of the speakers at the event held in London and elected vice-president of the STJ. For Solomon, the expressions “Conflict of interests” e “capture of magistrates by business segments” would be inappropriate to relate to the proposal. He did not present an alternative proposal.


This is the official schedule (3 MB – PDF) of the Brazilian event in London (United Kingdom). Below is the list of who was present:

  • Magistrates
    • Gilmar Mendesminister of the STF;
    • Alexandre de Moraesminister of the STF and president of the TSE;
    • Toffoli Daysminister of the STF;
    • Luis Felipe Salomãominister of the STJ;
    • Antonio Saldanha Palheirominister of the STJ;
    • Benedito Gonçalvesminister of the STJ;
    • Mauro Campbell Marquesminister of the STJ;
    • Raul Araújoministro do STJ e do TSE;
    • André Ramos Tavaresministro do TSE.
  • Ministers of State
    • Ricardo LewandowskiMinister of Justice and Public Security;
    • Jorge MessiasMinister of General Advocacy of the Union.
  • Others
    • Alberto Leitepresident of FS Security and sponsor of the meeting;
    • Alexandre Cordeiropresident of Cade;
    • Andrei Rodriguesdirector general of the Federal Police;
    • Antonio Aguiar PatriotaBrazilian ambassador to the United Kingdom;
    • Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI), senator and national president of the PP;
    • Daniel Vorcaropresident of Banco Master;
    • Daiane Nogueira de LiraCNJ advisor;
    • Davi Alcolumbre (União Brasil-AP), senator;
    • Fábio Faria, ex-minister Communications and today at BTG Pactual;
    • Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), deputy;
    • José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnioradvisor to Cade;
    • Michel Temer (PMDB), former president of Brazil;
    • Paulo Gonetattorney General of the Republic;
    • Victor FernandesCade’s advisor.


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