Special adviser to Lula cites Kremlin complaints that there is a NATO “encirclement” of Russia
For the head of the Special Advisory of the Presidency of the Republic for International Affairs, Celso Amorim, the West must consider Russian President Vladimir Putin’s security concerns. According to Amorim, the belligerent conduct against Russia by NATO allies (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) could provoke a broader conflict in Eastern Europe.
“We don’t want a 3rd World War. And even if we don’t have that, we don’t want a new Cold War.”, he told the newspaper Financial Times in an interview published this Friday (June 2, 2023). “All the concerns of the countries in the region must be taken into account if you want peace. The only other alternative is total military victory against Russia. Do you know what comes next? I am not.”
Amorim said that one of the main “concerns” of the Russian state is with national security. He cited the Kremlin’s complaints that there is a “I look for” by Western powers and NATO to the country’s territory.
“We cannot judge the situation for the last 1 year and a half. This is a decades old situation”, he stated. “[A Rússia tem] concerns that must be considered. This is not Ukraine’s fault. Ukraine is a victim, a victim of the remnants of the Cold War.”
Amorim went to Moscow in April and it found with Putin. In May, got together with the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and with the Ukrainian vice-chancellor, Andrii Melnik. During the meeting, the representatives discussed the “peace club” proposed by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) to end the war in Ukraine and restore the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
He stated to Financial Times that Brazil is concerned about efforts by the West to weaken Russia, something that could provoke an escalation in the conflict. “I remember the situation in Germany after the 1st World War: the aim was to weaken Germany in the [Tratado de] Versailles and we know where that led”, he declared.
Lula was criticized for to sayin April, that the Ukraine should cede Crimea territory to Russia. In the same month, he said that the war was both Russia’s and Ukraine’s fault. He also blamed the United States in part for continuing the conflict. After, recoiled. On Thursday (June 1), he declared that Brazil is part of a group of countries that want to remain neutral to mediate the end of the war.
Read more about Lula’s statements about the war:
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/europa-em-guerra/ocidente-deve-considerar-preocupacoes-russas-diz-celso-amorim/