The National Assembly of Venezuela finalized this Wednesday (28) the document with 27 proposed dates for the 2024 elections. According to the president of the House, Jorge Rodríguez, the text was signed by 152 people, including experts, politicians from different parties and representatives from various sectors of society and will be delivered to the National Electoral Council (CNE) on Friday.

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Still according to the deputy, the result of the nine major dialogue table meetings resulted in 500 proposals and a “national consensus” text. The Venezuelan electoral body will be responsible for choosing the date of the election and defining the calendar. However, the deputies did not disclose the dates proposed in the document.

In his speech, Rodríguez called for “impartiality” from observers and said that the Venezuelan automated electoral system is one of the most “effective” in the world. He also said that the document is part of the development of the Barbados agreement, signed in October 2023. In the agreement, the government and a sector of the opposition agreed that the election should be held in the second half of 2024 and will feature observation missions from the Union European Union, the Carter Center and the United Nations (UN).

::What is happening in Venezuela?::

The dialogue table, however, will be maintained to also discuss the 2025 regional elections. The President of the House also highlighted the scope of the text.

“The document has all the electoral guarantees, proposals that range from extensive audits, audits of the electoral register, the electoral system, the electoral material, the ballot boxes, zero minutes at the beginning of the election, hot audits during the process, and the audits included verification manual of 55% of the tables”, explained Rodríguez.

The deputy also stated that there will be an Electoral Registration campaign for people who are not registered with the CNE to be able to vote in 2024.

The dialogue table opened on February 5th. For 23 days, political parties, experts and members of the National Electoral Council discussed and presented proposals for an electoral calendar and procedures for this year’s election.

Editing: Lucas Estanislau


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