With Brazil’s vote, the text was approved by 120 votes; USA and Israel voted against

The UN General Assembly (United Nations) approved this Friday (27.Oct.2023) a resolution for a “immediate humanitarian truce” in Gaza. The proposal was authored by Jordan together with Arab countries.

The text was approved by 120 votes in favor, including that of Brazil. Another 45 countries abstained and 14 voted against the resolution. The United States and Israel were against the resolution.

What the proposal asks for:

  • condemnation of terrorist acts, but does not mention the actions of Israel or Hamas;
  • creation of a humanitarian corridor;
  • that Israel revokes the evacuation order in Gaza;
  • release of civilians kidnapped by Hamas; at least 226 people are in the custody of the extremist organization.

After approval of the text, Israel’s representative in the body, Gilad Erdan, said that “this is a dark day for the UN and for humanity” and stated that the body “it is committed to ensuring more atrocities”.

Unlike the Security Council, resolutions approved by the UN General Assembly do not have binding value. In practice, they serve more to assess the international position on the subject.

The assembly is made up of 193 members, each has the right to 1 vote. This Friday (Oct 27), 179 representatives were present at the vote. For a proposal to be approved, the support of 2/3 of voters is required.

Earlier, a resolution presented by Canada, which called for the condemnation of Hamas, was rejected. With support from Brazil, the amendment was supported by 88 votes in favor, 55 against and 23 abstentions.

In 20 days of conflict, at least 8,500 people have died. Of these, 7,131 are Palestinians.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/assembleia-da-onu-aprova-resolucao-por-cessar-fogo-em-gaza/

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