Proposed strategy stipulates that Kiev would only receive US military support if it agreed to negotiate peace

Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, advisors to Donald Trump, proposed to the former president of the United States a strategy to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine if the Republican wins the presidential elections on November 5th. The plan was presented on April 11, 2024, in a report in American First Policy Institute.

The strategy stipulates that Ukraine would only receive US military support if it agreed to negotiate peace. At the same time, the US would warn Russia in case of any refusal to negotiate, which would lead to an increase in US support for Ukraine.

However, the plan presented raised opposing opinions from members and supporters of the Republican Party. The possibility of increasing US funding for Kiev worries some Republicans, who believe that the US has already had too much financial expenditure on the conflict.

Kellogg also said the proposal includes a ceasefire based on current battle lines during the talks, an idea Trump has welcomed, although its feasibility is questioned.

The plan contrasts with the strategy adopted by the Biden administration in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The White House says it will not force Ukraine to negotiate, leaving the decision in Kiev’s hands.

On the Russian side, Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, said this Tuesday (June 25, 2024) to Reuters that any peace plan must reflect the reality of the conflict. “The value of any plan lies in the nuances and in taking into account the real situation on the ground”he declared.


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