The country has become one of the “world leaders” in reducing smoking; however, the world still has 1.25 billion smokers
Tobacco consumption in Brazil has fallen by around 35% since 2010, according to data released by the WHO (World Health Organization) this Tuesday (16 January 2024). As a result, the country became one of the “world leaders” in reducing tobacco consumption.
According to the WHO report on tobacco trends, there has been a continued decline in global tobacco consumption rates in 2022. Worldwide, 150 countries are reducing consumption. Here is the full text (PDF – 2 MB).
In addition to Brazil, the Netherlands is also one of the highlights of the report. The country saw a drop of almost 30% in smoking rates.
According to the organization, the reduction in the 2 countries is due to the tobacco control measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The entity sees the consumption of the product as a “Epidemic” which represents one of the greatest threats to public health in the world.
“There has been good progress on tobacco control in recent years, but there is no time for complacency. I am amazed at how far the tobacco industry will go to seek profits at the expense of countless lives. We see that when a government thinks it has won the fight against tobacco, the tobacco industry takes the opportunity to manipulate health policies and sell its deadly products.”said the director of the WHO Department of Health Promotion, Ruediger Krech.
Although there has been a decrease in smoking rates worldwide, the report states that around 1.25 billion people still smoke.
Around 6 countries continue to increase tobacco use. Here is the list:
- Congo;
- Egypt;
- Indonesia;
- Jordan;
- Oman; It is
- Moldavia.
According to the survey, Southeast Asia has the highest percentage of the population that uses tobacco, at 26.5%. Next is Europe, with 25.3%.
The European continent is expected to have the highest rates in the world by 2030. In Europe, tobacco consumption rates among women are more than double the global average, in addition to falling more slowly than on other continents.
By 2025, the world should reach a relative reduction of 25% in tobacco consumption. However, the number does not reach the global target of 30% proposed in 2010. According to the report, only 56 countries should reach this target.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/saude/consumo-de-tabaco-no-brasil-cai-35-diz-relatorio-da-oms/