President says it is not possible to “eat well” in official residences of heads of state

The president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) criticized on Tuesday (27.jun.2023) to “palace food” and said it can’t “eat well” in official residences of heads of state. International newspapers classified the declaration as a “gaffe” by the PT.

President Lula’s latest gaffe is criticizing the food he ate in Italy and France”, wrote to Bloomberg. “Food in France and Italy? ‘It’s not that good’, complains the president of Brazil”, reported the Washington Post.

Lula traveled to Europe last week and reported on the gastronomic experience during his live weekly. “I don’t go to restaurants. I eat at a hotel, and hotel food isn’t good either. I don’t have the freedom to go to restaurants and choose what I’m going to eat. Or I eat in a hotel, or I eat where I’m invited”, said the president.

Lula said that he had meals with the presidents of France, Emmanuel Macronand from Italy, Sergio Mattarella, and criticized the food offered by both. According to him, there is no “plenty” in meals served in foreign official residences. “Everything is small, everything is restricted, there is no ‘tray’ to choose from.”

the italian agency Askanews published a text with the title: “According to the president of Brazil, Lula, ‘you eat very little at Élysée and Quirinale’”.

the italian newspaper The weather he wrote: “Lula does not hide his disappointment: small portions for lunch at Quirinale”.

A Radiofrance reported: “Lula did not like French and Italian cuisine”.

O site Politico wrote that “Lula complains about French and Italian palace food”.


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