Prime Minister announces on Monday whether he will resign after opening corruption investigation against his wife

Spaniards took to the streets in Madrid this Sunday (April 28, 2024) to ask that Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez remain in office. It is the 2nd day of protests.

The prime minister said he could leave office because of the opening of an investigation against his wife, Begoña Gómez. He will announce the final decision on Monday (29 April).

According to the Lusa, Portuguese news agency, this Sunday’s demonstration (28 April) brought together around 5,000 people. On Saturday (April 27), the protests numbered more than 10,000 protesters.

Sánchez is a member of the center-left PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party). In November 2023, he was re-elected for his 3rd term with an absolute majority in the Parliament of Spain. In March of this year, Sánchez visited Brazil and met with Lula.

This Sunday’s protests (Apr 28) saw the participation of ministers and leaders from Somar, a left-wing party that is together with the PSOE in the Spanish government coalition.


Sánchez’s wife is accused of influence peddling and corruption and will be investigated for allegedly using her position as first lady to obtain investment in a master’s degree course at the Complutense University of Madrid, of which she is director.

The accusation, accepted by a Madrid Court, was made by the organization Clean hands (Clean Hands), which claims to be “anti-corruption”. The evidence is based on a series of reports on the subject in the Spanish newspaper The confidential.

In your profile no X, Sánchez stated that the allegations are based on fake news from “far-right newspapers”. He attributed the case to a maneuver by the PP (Popular Party) and Vox parties to weaken him politically and said that the action against his wife was premeditated.

The Spanish Public Prosecutor’s Office asked on Thursday (April 25, 2024) that the Spanish Court archive the investigation.


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