Photo: FIJ

Five months into the war in the Middle East, 103 press professionals were killed, 96 of whom were Palestinians. The shocking numbers that affect not only communicators, but the entire Palestinian population, caused the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), unions and organizations defending freedom of expression to promote in several cities around the world, last Monday ( 26), the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Journalists.

As a comparison, in two years of war in Ukraine, 15 journalists died, according to data from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

Read too: Palestinian Chancellor criticizes Israel’s attacks on Lula

Sherif Mansour, CPJ program coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, points out that “the Israeli army killed more journalists in 10 weeks than any other army or entity in a single year. And with each journalist killed, the war becomes more difficult to document and understand”, denounced Mansour, remembering that many deaths are justified by Israel under the unfounded argument that the journalists were involved with Hamas.

Attacks on press vehicles

The Palestinian Journalists’ Union estimates that 65 media professionals are imprisoned and 1,500 have been displaced in the Gaza Strip.

Another complaint made by the entity concerns the destruction caused to press vehicles in Gaza, as a way of preventing the massacre from being reported. According to reports, 73 media institutions in the Gaza Strip were destroyed in bombings, including:

  • 21 local radio stations;
  • 15 local and international news agencies;
  • 15 local and international satellite channels;
  • 6 local newspapers;
  • 3 transmission towers;
  • 13 press relations institutions.


The movement is supported in solidarity by unions here in Brazil. On Monday (26), in Juiz de Fora (MG), and this Tuesday (27), in São Paulo (SP), acts remember the memory of the dead journalists and called for a ceasefire.

In São Paulo, the event is promoted by the National Federation of Journalists (Fenaj) and the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of São Paulo with other entities.

To the Brazil Agencythe president of Fenaj, Samira de Castro, said that the right of Brazilian journalists to take a stand and denounce the massacre promoted by Israel has been attacked.

“In Brazil, we are also experiencing an attack on all journalists who dare to take a stand in relation to the right, freedom of the press and expression from the Palestinian side’s point of view,” said Samira.

The event takes place at the headquarters of the São Paulo Journalists Union, this Tuesday (27), starting at 8 pm, and will feature live broadcast. The address is Rua Rego Freitas, 530, República.

*With information from Agência Brasil


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