The governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, used his speech at the opening of the legislative year this Monday (4) to respond to the speech of President Javier Milei, who spoke at the opening of the Argentine National Congress last Friday -Friday (1).

“Problems cannot be solved with chainsaws, dynamite or adjustments,” said the governor about the ultraliberal policies being implemented by the Milei government. Last week, a group of Argentine governors led by Kicillof announced that they were going to the Supreme Court of Justice against the federal government, accused of “stealing resources from the provinces”.

In his speech to Congress on Friday (1), Milei stated that he will continue with the economic reforms, which have displeased a large part of the population, with or without the support of politicians. “Our convictions are unshakable. We will put public accounts in order with or without the help of the rest of the political leadership,” said the president, who assured that he will use “all legal resources of the national Executive Branch” to implement the reforms.

Economist who headed the Argentine Ministry of Finance in the last two years of Cristina Kirchner’s second term (2007-2015), Kicillof classified Argentina’s current situation as “a very uncertain and dark circumstance”, an “extravagant experiment” that “requires actions extraordinary contributions from the provincial government.” “We are the government of transformation, but this desire to transform does not imply jumping into the abyss or experimenting with esoteric, anachronistic, imported or failed recipes, no matter how impactful they may seem.”

Kicillof also pointed out contradictions in Milei’s speech, which is against the “political castes”, but has former employees of former president Maurício Macri at the top of his government, such as the Minister of Economy, Luis Toto Caputo, the former president of the Central Bank, who today serves as Milei’s informal advisor, Federico Sturzenegger, and Patricia Bullrich, appointed Milei’s Minister of Security.

“Are these the new rulers that you promised? That’s why we say that despite the violent speeches, the trolls on the networks, many voters of this government feel betrayed: the adjustment was for them and it was for everyone, and the government is full of the same as always, the same ones who have harmed the country several times”.

“The extravagant experiment to which Argentina is being subjected requires extraordinary actions from the provincial government,” Kicillof said at the beginning of his opening speech to legislative sessions, where he said that “we are going through a very uncertain and gloomy circumstance.”

we have the only president

Editing: Rodrigo Durão Coelho


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