Vietnam’s new president, To Lam

General To Lam, 66, was elected the 13th Vietnamese president. Nominated for the position by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, his name was approved this Wednesday (22) by 472 of the 473 parliamentarians of the National Assembly – the Legislative Power in the country is unicameral.

“As president, I will remain determined to fight corruption,” To Lam said in his inauguration speech. His biggest commitment will be to help transform Vietnam into a “socialist-oriented, high-income nation,” he added. The presidential term runs until 2026.

A member of the party’s Politburo (executive committee) – which he joined in 1981 – To Lam is a military and political figure. A four-star general in the Vietnam People’s Security Forces, he has also held the position of Minister of Public Security since 2016. With a postgraduate degree in Law, he is the author of several books on the intellectual legacy of leader Ho Chi Minh.

His ascension to the presidency is yet another development of the anti-corruption campaign led by Communist Party general secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. To Lam will succeed President Vo Van Thuong, who resigned following the arrest of members of his team over financial scandals.

According to the Communist Party, the “deficiencies” revealed under Thuong’s management “had a negative impact on public opinion, affecting the reputation of the party, the State and himself”. Vice-president Võ Thị Ánh Xuân had been serving in the role on an interim basis.

One of the first world leaders to congratulate To Lam was Chinese President Xi Jinping. According to the China Media Group (CMG), the congratulatory message renewed the willingness to strengthen ties between the two countries. “Xi Jinping emphasized that China and Vietnam are neighboring socialist countries with great proximity,” reported CMG. On a visit to Vietnam in 2023, Xi announced the formation of “a Sino-Vietnamese community with a shared future, with strategic importance”.


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