Airline says the aircraft did not present “any problems or irregularities” on takeoff or during the flight

The passenger plane that collided on Tuesday (2.Jan.2024) with a Japanese Coast Guard aircraft upon landing at Haneda airport, in Tokyo (Japan), received permission to land. According to Japan Airlines, the aircraft did not present “any problems or irregularities” at takeoff and throughout the flight.

Five of the 6 people who were on the Coast Guard plane died. The 379 passengers and crew of the Japan Airlines Airbus A350 managed to get the aircraft to safety before it was engulfed in flames.

Watch (1min51s):

Japan Airlines representatives were asked by journalists on Tuesday night (Jan 2) whether the plane had received authorization to land. One of them replied: “Our understanding is that it was granted”. They, however, did not give details of the message sent by the control tower to the aircraft’s command.

In a statement (complete, in English – PDF – 95 kB) released this Wednesday (3 January), Japan Airlines said it had conducted interviews with the crew present on the aircraft. “They acknowledged and repeated landing clearance from air traffic control and then proceeded with approach and landing procedures.”, the note reads.

According to the The Guardiana recording from the Haneda control tower, apparently taken moments before the collision, was released by a site which transmits live air traffic signals. In it, a voice can be heard advising the Japan Airlines plane to “continue the approach”.

Japanese authorities began inspecting the wreckage of the planes this Wednesday (3 January). According to the agency Reuters, police were also investigating possible professional negligence in the case. A special unit was created at the airport to analyze the runway where the collision occurred and collect statements from those involved.

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