Journalist came to cover Bolsonaro’s act on Avenida Paulista and was detained by police at Guarulhos airport before being released

The PF (Federal Police) made a mistake by detaining Portuguese journalist Sergio Tavares at Guarulhos airport (SP) on February 25 for not having a work visa. Sergio traveled to the country to, according to him, “record images” of the act of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), on Avenida Paulista.

Although the CNI (National Immigration Council) requires a temporary work visa for anyone wishing to carry out journalistic activities in Brazil, European citizens who stay up to 90 days in the country are exempt.

Here is the excerpt from the normative resolution that talks about the visa requirement:

The rule, available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, establishes that the benefit is granted as long as the activity is not remunerated by a Brazilian source.

The PF was contacted by the Poder360 since February 25th, but said he will not “more” speak out.

In a note about the case, the corporation stated that it followed “standard procedure” to determine whether the journalist came to Brazil for tourism or work. According to the agency, Sergio did not present the work visa, necessary to work in Brazil.

“The PF is carrying out the standard procedure to assess the individual’s situation, checking whether they are in the country for tourism or work and how long they intend to stay in the country, following the regular protocol for admitting foreigners. This individual would have published on his social networks that he would come to the country to provide photographic coverage of an event”says an excerpt from the document.

The PF reported that Sergio was asked about comments made on his social media profiles about Brazilian democracy. The agency states that the procedure is standard and is followed at all airports around the world.

However, the corporation does not explain why, when questioned, the Portuguese was asked about his opinion regarding vaccines, the STF (Supreme Federal Court) and electronic voting machines.

Furthermore, it is not clear why the Portuguese was released if, according to the Federal Police, to carry out the “photographic coverage of an event” It is mandatory to have a work visa.

Read the full note sent by the PF:

“Regarding the video circulating on social media of a Portuguese citizen claiming that he was unduly prevented from entering Brazil, the Federal Police informs that this allegation is false.

“The PF is carrying out the standard procedure to assess the individual’s situation, checking whether they are in the country for tourism or work and how long they intend to stay in the country, following the regular protocol for admitting foreigners. This individual would have published on his social networks that he would come to the country to cover an event. However, this requires a work visa, which he did not present.

“In addition, the foreigner was asked about comments he made about democracy in Brazil, stating that the country is experiencing a ‘dictatorship of the Judiciary’, in addition to other statements along the same lines, posted on his social networks.

“It is worth noting that the same measures are adopted by default in the vast majority of international airports.”


Journalist Sérgio Tavares is a Portuguese right-wing communicator and activist. He has had a YouTube channel since July 2021 with more than 160 thousand subscribers and 2.5 million views.

Tavares interviews and maintains news programs about politics and contemporary circumstances. On February 3, 2024, he interviewed Jair Bolsonaro.

Upon arriving in Brazil at Guarulhos airport on February 25, the Portuguese was taken to the airport police station, where he was detained, to provide clarification for not having a professional visa.

According to Tavares, he was asked about his opinions on the political situation in Brazil and not about the visa. “I was not interrogated because of a visa, but rather to try to arrest, for ‘crimes of opinion’, a European citizen”he said in a video published on his profile on X (formerly Twitter).

Sergio is not recognized in Portugal as a journalist. In that country, to be recognized as such, it is necessary to obtain registration from the CCPJ (Commission for the Professional Journalist Card) – the regulatory body for journalistic activity in Portugal. According to the commission, Tavares does not have such a document.

“This independent body under public law never issued any professional accreditation title to Sergio Tavares”said the commission after the repercussion of the case.


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