It is the 3rd increase in less than 1 month; Shell, Axion and Puma adopted the measure, while state-owned YPF has not yet commented

Several oil companies in Argentina announced an increase in fuel prices by around 27%. The increase, which began on Tuesday night (January 2, 2024), is the third after two in December. The information is from Clarion.

Shell was the first company to apply the adjustments. According to the Argentine outlet, stations in Buenos Aires changed prices from 10pm onwards. Axion announced a 25% increase starting at midnight.

Puma Energy told Clarion what “will follow the market”. YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales, in Spanish) has not yet announced whether it will follow the increases, although the Argentine state oil company has adhered to the December adjustments, which ranged from 15% to 30%.

With the 3 changes, consumers face a total increase of almost 90%. As of the last adjustment, the values ​​for a liter of gasoline and diesel in the country should vary from 699 Argentine pesos (around R$4.21, at the current exchange rate) to 938 Argentine pesos (around R$5.65, at the current quote).


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