Text suggests that Biden withdraw his candidacy, but advocates rejecting Trump at the polls in the event of a clash in November
O New York Times published this Thursday (11.Jul.2024) an editorial against Donald Trump, former president of the United States and possible candidate for the Republican party in the 2024 elections.
The publication, divided into 5 parts, states that anyone other than Trump would be more suitable for the November presidential election. It expresses the position of the editorial board of the American newspaper.
The council, made up of 14 opinion journalists from NOW and operates independently of the reporting team, criticized Trump, saying he “demonstrated a complete disregard for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the American people”.
According to the editorial, Trump is “unfit to lead” by being driven by a “thirst for political power”using the mechanisms of government to advance their interests, satisfy their impulses, and retaliate against their adversaries.
“His words and actions demonstrate a disregard for basic right and wrong and a clear lack of moral fitness for the responsibilities of the presidency.”they wrote.
In the image, the “New York Times” editorial entitled “Donald Trump is unfit to lead”
The editorial emphasizes 5 key areas for the country’s leadership: moral fitness, principled leadership, character, “the words of a president” and the rule of law.
In addition to speaking out against Trump, the text criticizes the Republican Party for supporting him, suggesting that the party now serves the interests of one man. “as unfit for the office of president as any in the long history of the Republic”.
The text recalls some of the criminal charges hanging over the former president. It says that Trump “incited a mob to violence with hateful lies” on January 6, 2021, the date on which the Capitol, headquarters of the US Congress, was invaded and vandalized by supporters of the Republican who did not accept Joe Biden’s (Democrat) victory in 2020.
“He praised these insurrectionists and called them patriots; today, he gives them a prominent role in campaign rallies.”they say.
The editorial board of New York Times has already expressed concerns about Biden, calling for him to withdraw his candidacy in the race for the White House after his poor performance in the first presidential debate on June 27. According to the text, the president’s departure would be the “the greatest public service he could offer now”emphasizing the need to avoid a 2nd Trump term at all costs.
The council also asks voters to use their power at the polls against Trump, regardless of who the opposing candidate is.
“We urge voters to clearly recognize the dangers of a second Trump term and reject him.”the editorial states. It concludes by saying that, given so many fundamental flaws, Trump should not be trusted “the most important job in the world”.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/midia/editorial-do-nyt-critica-possivel-retorno-de-trump-a-presidencia/