The chipmaker had surpassed Microsoft on June 18; the company’s stock was worth $125 at 3 p.m.

Nvidia, a US technology company, has seen its shares fall in value by more than 8% in the last 5 days. As a result, it has lost US$500 billion in market value and lost its position as the most valuable company in the world.

The reason for this drop is the sudden sale of almost US$95 million (R$514 million) in shares by the company’s president, Jensen Huang. There is a consensus in the market that there is still a tendency to “strong buy”according to banks JP Morgan, Barclays Capital and Mizuho Securities.

Despite the drop in prices, investors have not suffered major losses on Nvidia shares. The stock has risen 141% since the beginning of 2023, with a cumulative appreciation of 721%.

Nvidia had surpassed $3.3 trillion in market value as of June 18, surpassing Microsoft. Before andOn June 5th, it had already surpassed Apple and become the 2nd most valuable company. The advance intensified with the release of the financial statement for the 1st quarter, on May 22nd.


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