TSE judges lawsuit against the former president for abuse of political power and misuse of the media

Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) told journalists this Thursday (June 29, 2023) that he is sure that Minister Nunes Marques, from the TSE (Superior Electoral Court), will be impartial when voting in the action in which he is targeted in the Electoral justice. Bolsonaro declared that he believes in a “fair trial”.

I’m sure he [Nunes Marques] he will be impartial and will do everything possible to show that I am not at fault, that I have not committed any crime”, said the former president, adding that he had not spoken to the minister in recent days.

Bolsonaro is tried at the TSE for abuse of political power and misuse of the media. The case deals with the meeting of the former president with ambassadors at the Palácio da Alvorada, held in July 2022.

On the occasion, Bolsonaro questioned the result of the 2018 electoral system, raised doubts about electronic voting machines and criticized higher court ministers. The event was broadcast by TV Brazil. If convicted, you may become ineligible.

The trial was adjourned on Tuesday (June 27) after the reading of the share rapporteur’s vote, Benedito Gonçalves. In his vote, the minister determined that Bolsonaro would be prevented from running for the next 8 years, counting from the 2022 election. full of the vote (3 MB).

The action back on the agenda this Thursday (29.jun). Minister Raul Araújo voted against the former president’s ineligibility and rejected the action presented in Court by the PDT (Partido Democrático Trabalhista).

So far, 2 magistrates have voted. The judgment is tied. Justices Floriano de Azevedo Marques, André Ramos Tavares, Cármen Lúcia, Nunes Marques and, lastly, the President of the Electoral Court, Minister Alexandre de Moraes, still have to proclaim their votes. Read more about the trial in this report do Poder360.

There is the possibility that a magistrate may ask for a review (more time for analysis) in the process. This could postpone the trial by up to 30 days.

According to Bolsonaro, this is a “political judgment”. The former president said that “it seems that the left wants the election [presidencial] 2026 will be held without a competitor”. Asked if he intends to appeal if the result is not favorable to him, Bolsonaro replied that the decision will be up to his defense.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/justica/nunes-marques-sera-isento-diz-bolsonaro-sobre-julgamento/

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