In a speech, Elizabeth Bagley said that “Brazil has no better partner than the US”; position has been vacant for 18 months

The new US ambassador to Brazil, Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, arrived in Brasília shortly after midnight this Wednesday (1st.Feb.2023). The position she will occupy has been vacant for 18 months.

It is a great honor and privilege to come to Brazil as President Biden’s personal representative at this time in our strong relationship.”, he said in a speech to journalists in the lobby of Brasília International Airport.

The new ambassador stated that “Brazil has no better partner than the United States” on different fronts. “We are like-minded friends on a range of relevant issues”, he added.

Whether supporting shared and inclusive economic growth, promoting peace and security, combating deforestation and climate change, partnering on human rights, creating greater opportunities for women, or protecting and strengthening democracy, United States is a natural and committed partner with Brazil”.

Bagley, 70, has worked for 40 years as a lawyer and diplomat. She was ambassador to Portugal and advisor to Secretaries of State John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright.


The US Embassy in Brasilia has been without an ambassador since the end of July 2021. A chargé d’affaires leads activities.

Bagley was nominated for office by US President Joe Biden in January 2022. Only in December did the US Senate approve the name.

In the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), there were only 16 months with an ambassador in office. Here are the heads of the US Embassy in Brazil since November 2018:

  • William Popp (Nov.2018-Mar.2020) – chargé d’affaires;
  • Todd Chapman (Mar.2020-Jul.2021) – Ambassador;
  • Douglas Koneff (Jul 2021-Jan 2023) – chargé d’affaires.

Chapman was chosen by then US President Donald Trump and soon became close to Bolsonaro. After Joe Biden took over the White House in 2021, he spent another 6 months in office and retired.

Read the full text of Bagley’s speech:

“Good evening everyone and thank you so much for being here at this hour.

“It is a great honor and privilege to come to Brazil as President Biden’s personal representative at this time in our strong relationship. I am pleased to have my son, Conor, who will accompany me during this first week. I bring warm greetings from President Biden, Vice President Harris, Secretary Blinken, and the American people to President Lula, his government, and the Brazilian people – our friends and partners.

“As I work to realize President Biden’s ambitious agenda with Brazil, I also bring the full support of the White House, the Department of State and all agencies of the United States government to expand and deepen our collaboration. I would like to point out: Brazil has no better partner than the United States. Whether supporting shared and inclusive economic growth, promoting peace and security, combating deforestation and climate change, partnering on human rights, creating more opportunities for women, or protecting and strengthening democracy, The United States is a natural and committed partner for Brazil.

“But most importantly, we are like-minded friends on a range of relevant issues. I look forward to getting to work immediately, and to ensuring that we take advantage of every opportunity to realize the full potential of our partnership.

“I thank you all for being here at this hour and, as soon as I present my credentials, I will be meeting with the Brazilian press to discuss the numerous opportunities that our partnership brings.

“Thank you very much and good work everyone.”


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