29-year-old Dutch woman applied for the procedure 3 years ago; The country has had legislation that allows the process since 2002

Dutch Zoraya ter Peek, aged 29, received authorization from the country to undergo a euthanasia process, justified by a “unbearable mental suffering”. According to information published by the newspaper The Guardianthe woman is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, in addition to reporting chronic depression, anxiety and personality disorder.

To the British newspaper, Zoraya said that she registered the request for “assisted death” in December 2020, after undergoing around 10 years of therapy and psychiatric follow-up. The response with authorization came at the end of April this year.

The request is based on a 2002 Dutch law, which authorizes the euthanasia process for people who claim to have undergone a “unbearable suffering, with no prospect of improvement”.

The Dutchwoman told The Guardian: “I was on a waiting list for assessment for a long time because there are so few doctors willing to get involved in assisted dying for people with mental distress. So you have to be evaluated by a team, get a second opinion on your eligibility, and their decision has to be reviewed by another independent doctor.”

Zoraya reports that, during the process, she had to face the guilt of hurting her family and her boyfriend with the decision, but that she doesn’t see herself going back. She describes the decision as a “great relief”.

“They’ll start by giving me a sedative and won’t give me the drugs that stop my heart until I’m in a coma. For me, it will be like falling asleep. My partner will be there, but I told him it’s okay if he needs to leave the room before the moment of death.”she said.

The date set for the assisted euthanasia was not announced, but Zoraya says she expects the procedure to take place this month.

According to the newspaper, the number of assisted euthanasia procedures for mental disorders has increased in the Netherlands. In 2010, for example, 2 cases of this type were registered. In 2023, there were 138 – 1.5% of the total of 9,068 authorized deaths.


In Brazil, people facing some type of mental or emotional suffering can call the phone for free 188. The CVV (Center for Valuing Life) provides 24-hour attendants to provide support to anyone who calls, as well as providing information on possibilities for psychological and psychiatric care.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/poder-saude/holanda-autoriza-eutanasia-de-mulher-por-sofrimento-mental/

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