According to the deputy, the senator is asking for political asylum for “coup plotters” instead of working for the reconstruction of RS
Federal deputy Lindbergh Farias (PT-RJ) said this Tuesday (June 11, 2024) that senator Hamilton Mourão (Republicanos-RS) is “defending criminals who attacked democracy”. The former vice president of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) asked the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, to offer political asylum to the January 8 fugitives.
“The current senator from RS, instead of redirecting his efforts towards the reconstruction of his State, has been defending political asylum for people who participated in the 8th of January”said Lindbergh on his profile on X (formerly Twitter), in reference to the rains that hit the State.
The PT member also declared that political asylum “it is for those who are suffering some type of persecution in their countries of origin”. According to him, “What these scammers are doing is running away.”
“Mourão is defending the coup bandit!”he wrote.
Argentine government spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, said on Monday (June 10) that requests for shelter in the country made by fugitives arrested on January 8th will be analyzed individually.
As shown by the Poder360, the PF (Federal Police) is searching for more than 50 fugitives involved in extremist acts in Argentina. There is no concrete number yet.
Federal police officers are trying to map the location of the fugitives through the PF office in Buenos Aires, which has coordinated with the country’s police.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/poder-congresso/mourao-defende-criminosos-antidemocraticos-diz-lindbergh/