Celso Sabino stated this Tuesday (April 23) that the government will promote the sale of discounted tickets and tourist packages from May 17th to 19th

The Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino, stated this Tuesday (April 23) that the federal government will promote a National Tourism Fair. The event will offer airline tickets and tourist packages for travel within Brazil. Sales will take place from May 17th to 19th.

“It will be like a big Black Friday for tourism, but out of season”, said Sabino, in a session of the Senate’s Regional Development and Tourism Committee. The proposal was well received by senators, who complained about the price of air travel.

“It is the biggest opportunity, to date, for citizens to buy tickets and travel packages to travel within Brazil at promotional prices from all operators, agencies and companies. Throughout Brazil and also online”these.

In addition to the National Tourism Fair, Sabino also stated that he will report to society on the same weekend. “We will announce all the investments that were made this year, last year and those that are yet to begin in the public and private sector”he declared.

“There will be the possibility of financing [as passagens] both by Caixa and Banco do Brasil, which will be present financing in up to 60 installments with interest of 1.7% per month”said the minister.

The sale is not about the Voa Brasil program. The initiative, which was scheduled to launch in April, has the premise of selling around 5 million airline tickets for R$200 to a select group. Approximately 21.7 million Brazilians will be able to participate, including 21 million INSS (National Social Security Institute) retirees who earn up to 2 minimum wages (R$ 2,824) and 700 thousand Prouni students.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/governo/ministro-anuncia-saldao-de-passagens-aereas-em-maio/

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