“I appoint them and they are relentless”, says Argentine president after 2 students get sick at school event

A student fainted on Wednesday (March 6, 2024) while watching the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, participate in the opening of the school year at a school in Buenos Aires. “Another?”, reacted the Chief Executive, making the audience laugh.

The moment was captured on state TV.

Watch (43s):

In the images, it is possible to see the young man falling while the president answered a question from the audience. In the background, on the left side, is Karina Milei, Milei’s sister and general secretary of the Presidency. Both studied at the school where the event was held.

The fainting occurred when the Argentine president spoke about socialism and said that he called the participants of the World Economic Forum, held in January, in Davos (Switzerland), “leftists”.

While the student was being helped, Milei joked about the situation: “I name them [os socialistas] and they are relentless. (…) I swear I won’t name them again”.

According to the Argentine newspaper The nation, another student had already fainted at the event when Milei was talking about communism. “Mentioning communists is so dangerous that it always causes problems”, said the head of the Argentine Executive at the time.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/milei-brinca-com-desmaio-de-aluno-durante-fala-sobre-socialismo/

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