Published 04/08/2024 18:29 | Edited 04/08/2024 18:33
The Mexican government decided to report to the Court of Hague the invasion, by the Ecuadorian police, of its embassy in Quito. The announcement was made this Sunday (8). The objective of the action is for the court to “order the State of Ecuador to repair the damage” caused, informed the Chancellor of Mexico, Alicia Bárcena.
The diplomat said she believes that “we can win our case quickly”. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the Court or The Hague Court, is the highest jurisdictional body of the United Nations (UN).
Furthermore, Alicia Bárcena explained that Mexico will not do anything against the diplomatic corps or Ecuadorian citizens. “For our part, we are not taking any action nor are we demanding that they leave the facilities in Mexico,” she said.
On the other hand, the country indefinitely closed its embassy in Ecuador and started using an electronic platform to serve its citizens. In total, around 1,600 people and 30 Mexican companies are present in the country.
On Friday night (5), police forcefully entered the Mexican embassy located in the capital of Ecuador and arrested former Ecuadorian president Jorge Glas, who had been taking refuge there since December, alleging political persecution after being accused of corruption.
The action disregarded the principle of inviolability of embassies and basic precepts of international law established in agreements such as the Vienna Convention, and resulted in a diplomatic rupture between the two countries.
There is no news, so far, of any international support for Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa after the brutal invasion of the embassy.
In the opposite direction, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Cuba, Spain, the USA and the European Union, as well as organizations such as the UN and the Organization of American States, among others, repudiated the police invasion. Nicaragua, like Mexico, broke relations with Ecuador.
Read too: Brazilian government condemns invasion of the Mexican Embassy in Peru
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva declared, via social media, his “solidarity with the president and friend” of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador.
In a statement, Itamaraty stated that the action “constitutes a clear violation of the American Convention on Diplomatic Asylum and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which, in its article 22, provides that the locations of a diplomatic mission are inviolable and can be accessed by agents of the receiving State only with the consent of the Head of Mission”.
For federal deputy Márcio Jerry (MA), leader of the PCdoB in the Chamber, “the invasion of the Mexican embassy in Ecuador is an unacceptable act of violence. Absurdity that undermines the rules of diplomatic relations between nations. Our protest!”
“This decision not only violates sovereignty, because the territory of the embassy must be inviolable, but it also violates asylum, because it removed a person from the embassy who was already under the protection of the Mexican government,” Elaini Silva, PhD, told BBC Brasil. in international law from USP and professor at PUC in São Paulo.
In a statement given to the Ecuador Inmediato program and reproduced by Prensa Latina, sociologist Agustín Burbano stated that Ecuador is beginning to “experience an authoritarian regime”.
He also highlighted that if the current government is capable of breaking the Caracas Convention, the Vienna Convention and attacking with armed men “the embassy of a country with which we share multilateral spaces, what will happen to ordinary citizens who have a stance critical of the government?”
With agencies
Source: vermelho.org.br