In a letter, the French president states that his coalition is the best for the country and details the reasons for bringing forward the election
French President Emmanuel Macron said that Juntos, his center coalition, is best for the country because it is the “the only one that can certainly stop the extreme right and the extreme left” in the 2nd round of early elections.
The French leader’s statements were made in a letter addressed to voters. The document was published by French vehicles, such as Free Middaythis Sunday (June 23, 2024).
In the text, Macron said that the election, scheduled for June 30 (1st round) and July 7 (2nd round), is not a “vote of confidence in the President of the Republic”, but rather a question of who will govern France. According to the French leader, there are “3 clear proposals” in relation to this.
The 1st of them is that of the National Regroupment, a right-wing coalition led by Marine Le Pen. Macron describes the group as “extreme right” and states that “aims to better respond to illegal immigration and insecurity without proposing anything concretely”.
“[O Reagrupamento Nacional] divides the nation by opposing those he calls real French and paper French. Ignore climate change and its consequences. It intends to return purchasing power, but by reversing pension reforms or making promises about energy prices, it will increase your taxes”he stated.
The 2nd proposal is that of the left-wing coalition NFP (New Popular Front). According to the French president, the group is not clear about its proposals on secularism and anti-Semitism.
“[A NFP] is divided on the response to climate change. It intends to respond to the injustices of our society with a significant increase in taxes for everyone, not just the richest.”he declared.
Regarding his coalition, Macron stated that it is led by a prime minister and political leaders that French voters already know.
“[O Juntos] proposes to continue reforms for work, reindustrialization, an ecology of results, investing in public services without taxes or additional debts and defending an assumed secularism and a restored authority from school to justice. It defends clear choices regarding Israel and Gaza, as well as Ukraine, and has built, in the last 7 years, a stronger Army whose budget we have doubled”he stated.
The leader of France said that the actions of the current government deserve to be continued, but what responses “stronger and firmer” must be given.
“I heard that you want things to change. I heard you talk about insecurity and impunity. About the lives made impossible by criminals, by repeat offenders, by the violence of certain minors in our cities and towns. This was an important factor in some people choosing National Reunion.”he declared.
In the letter, Macron also cited the reasons that led him to dissolve the National Assembly and call legislative elections. According to the president, the decision was taken with “responsibility, very serious” and after a “reflection for weeks”.
One of the reasons given by the French leader was that there was a “disorder” in the Legislature that could not continue.
Macron stated that “the opposition was preparing to overthrow the government in the autumn” and that “I would have dived” the France “in a crisis”. The other was his party’s defeat in the European Parliament elections.
“I know that for many of you this has come as a surprise that raises concern, rejection, sometimes even anger directed at me. I understand and hear that. But this decision is the only one that can allow our country to move forward and come together. Asking you to choose, trusting you, isn’t that the very meaning of democracy and our Republic?”he declared.
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Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/macron-diz-ser-a-opcao-para-barrar-extrema-direita-e-extrema-esquerda/