President says he will take “little bottles” with 2nd generation ethanol to the G7 summit and will talk about the fuel to heads of state

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) said this Friday (May 24, 2024) that he will be the poster boy for Raízen’s ethanol. The PT member said that he will talk about the fuel to heads of state from other countries, such as Germany, France and the United States. He made the statement during the inauguration of the company’s 2nd generation industrial ethanol plant, in Guariba (SP).

“You got a free poster boy, who won’t charge you anything, but when I meet with the [Joe] Biden [presidente dos Estados Unidos]when I meet with Xi Jinping [presidente da China]when I meet with the [Narendra] Modi [primeiro-ministro] in India, when I meet with the [chanceler] Olaf Scholz in Germany, when I meet with the [presidente Emmanuel] Macron in France, I’m going to say: ‘Listen here: Do you have it? Do you have 2nd generation ethanol? Do you have? Then buy ours. Stop bothering and buy what Brazil has the capacity to produce’”these.

The Chief Executive recalled that he will participate in the G7 (group of 7 main global powers) leaders’ summit, from June 13th to 15th this year. According to Lula, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveirawill prepare “bottles” of 2nd generation Brazilian ethanol and pamphlets in English to distribute during the meeting so that world leaders understand what Brazil “can do”.

On his official profile on X (formerly Twitter), Lula celebrated the inauguration of Raízen’s industrial-scale ethanol plant. Just like in his speech, the PT member spoke about recovering the “self-esteem” of the Brazilian population and made a connection with football.

“In the perspective of regaining this self-esteem, I remembered a scene from Ronaldo Fenômeno, despite being injured he turned things around and was top scorer in 2002. A scene that reminds us of the phrase ‘I’m Brazilian and I never give up’. And that’s why we never gave up on Brazil”says the publication.


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