The Brazilian press is on the Chinese social network, but without a strategy and with few followers, writes Luciana Moherdaui

The former todayGloboNews Cecilia Flesch hinted at the transition from television to the internet on the podcast “It’s my bitch?produced and hosted by Camila Fremder, episode “My routine is different”which aired on April 27.

Flesch advertised on his TikTok account: “I think it’s very important to say, since it’s the network of the future. It has to be on TikTok, and I’m invested in that. As soon as we turn off the mic, I’ll talk more about it.”.

The rise of the Chinese social network by the Brazilian press was captured in “Digital News Report 2023”released on Wednesday (June 14, 2023) by Reuters Institute: “There has been a sharp decline in Facebook use for news – down 12 points over 2 years, to 35% this year – and it is now used less for news than Instagram. TikTok saw the biggest growth.”

According to the report (complete – 8MB), the 3 most sold newspapers in the country have accounts on the network –The globe, Folha de S.Paulo e Estadão. However, they have more followers on Instagram and Twitter. This is also verified on open TVs. They are part of TikTok. Despite this, they bet more on platforms that facilitate the promotion of existing content.

Another part of the chat with the audiovisual producer and poker player Carol Martins, who also participated in the episode, reinforces the inescapable migration, even if there are remnants.

Carol Martins: “Remembering that I want to return to acting, I want to return to programs”

Cecilia Flesch: “Serious?

Carol Martins: “Serious! I want to go back to television”

Cecilia Flesch: “Do not do that. No! There is a thing called the internet, my love”

Carol Martins: “But there’s no way. I like. I want this”

Cecilia Flesch: “Television?

Carol Martins: “Yeah, television. I like television

TikTok is nothing new for young people and teenagers or politicians. In this last field, I highlight:

  • Democratic Senator from Philadelphia (United States) John Fetterman;
  • former candidate for the presidency of Colombia Rodolfo Hernández;
  • President Lula (PT-SP) and his deputy Geraldo Alckmin (PSB-SP);
  • former candidates for the Republic Jair Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) and Ciro Gomes (PDT-CE);
  • federal deputies Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP) and Guilherme Boulos (Psol-SP).

Politicians have taken the lead on TikTok. In the case of the traditional press, the tactic of keeping the audience connected to their screens – TV, computer or smartphone – is understandable. Therefore, the toll is the rule.

This method is evidenced when Flesch reports the difficulties of interrupting programming to use the toilette. The impossibility of putting the commercial on the air puts the numbers at risk. However, and the former presenter of GloboNews did not reveal the format to be explored with the change of platform – TV for the Internet, TikTok in particular.

The survey maintains the drop in print newspaper runs, as in previous editions, although it shows growth in sales of subscriptions in PDF and online versions – 7 out of 10 copies sold in 2022 are digital. O “Digital News Report” indicates that most of the advertising budget goes to broadcast television. However, the internet pie continues to grow.

The inflection of Cecília Flesch, TV veteran, is not without reason.


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