Production was halted after a fire caused by activists; Musk called the group “eco-terrorists”

A Tesla factory in Brandenburg, Germany, was the target of an attack this Tuesday morning (5 March 2024) by activists from the left-wing group Vulkangruppe. Members of the movement started a fire in the electrical lines that supply the assembly plant building.

Environmental activists are reportedly protesting against the company’s expansion plans, which include cargo depots, warehouses and even a nursery, which could compromise more than 100 hectares of forest.

Power has been restored in towns near the site, but Tesla remains without power. Production at the factory, which is the company’s only one in Europe, was interrupted and there is no expectation of resumption.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, on his profile on X (formerly Twitter), defined the group as “eco-terrorist”. “Stopping the production of electric vehicles, rather than fossil fuel vehicles, is extremely stupid.”

Despite estimating more than 1,000 production cars lost, factory director Andre Thierig confirmed that none of the 12,000 employees were injured and that the site is in a safe condition.

Brandenburg’s Interior Secretary Michael Stübgen stated: “Thousands of people were deprived of their basic supplies and put in danger. The rule of law will react to such an act of sabotage with the utmost severity.”


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