Donald Trump’s habit of having a stream of consciousness ready to fire could now be used against him by prosecutors and a judge while the former president is on trial.

In the latest twist in the criminal trial involving Donald J. Trump, the judge in charge of the hearing, Juan M. Merchan, expressed concerns about the veracity of statements made by the former president. In a hearing marked by tense moments, Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, was pressured by the judge to explain the false statements made by his client on social media.

The crux of the matter lies in Trump’s post, in which he claimed that a public statement that had been known for years had just been “FOUND!” Blanche admitted during the hearing that the post was false, but Judge Merchan insisted he understood the gravity of the situation. “I need to understand,” Judge Merchan said, looking at the lawyer on the bench, “what I’m dealing with.”

Trump spent five decades spewing statements, sometimes contradicting himself within minutes, sometimes in the same breath, with little concern for the consequences of what he said. The objective was to amuse and engage their fans, enrage or disorient their opponents, always encouraging threats, hatred and violence.

His political and public career was marked by a constant stream of often contradictory statements, making the question of truth a constant. His words, treated as disposable merchandise throughout his career, protected by privileged forums, can now be used against him by prosecutors and Judge Merchan himself.

Prosecutors argued that Trump violated a gag order by attacking witnesses, which resulted in credible threats of violence. He continues to speak in public and online about legal matters that he is banned from because he intimidates witnesses. Judge Merchan repeatedly questioned Blanche about the veracity of Trump’s statements, indicating possible criminal contempt.

The case raises questions not only about Trump’s freedom, but also about the fundamental principles he has always defended in his public speech: a convenient disregard for the truth, a blunt denial of anything harmful, and a stubborn insistence that his adversaries have always acted in bad faith.

Despite minimal consequences so far — fines he ignores — Trump faces a hearing that could result in criminal contempt. His tendency to treat legal problems as public relations problems may ultimately find him in troubled waters, with prosecutors arguing that his public statements violated court orders.

As the case continues to unfold, Trump remains steadfast in his stance. But the final verdict on his statements and his fate in court is yet to be decided. The upcoming hearing, which promises to highlight Trump’s words even further, continues to keep the public in suspense about the outcome of this legal saga.


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