Foreign Minister Israel Katz wants to “contain and weaken” the Iranian government

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said this Tuesday (April 16, 2024) that he sent letters to representatives of 32 countries to initiate a diplomatic reaction against Iran. The measure is part of Israel’s response to the missile attack Iranians last weekend.

No X (ex-Twitter), Katz headed to the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and to representatives from Europe, India, Australia and Argentina.

“Iran must be stopped now – before it is too late”declared the head of diplomacy in the Jewish country.

In a meeting between Katz and representatives of the European Union, it was said that there is a possibility of vetoing Iranian weapons projects. The minister promised that he will work to define the Revolutionary Guard, a branch of Iran’s army that protects the Islamic political system, as a terrorist organization.

“The adoption of these principles is an unprecedented achievement for Israel in the European Union, in the continuation of the political campaign against Iran”he declared.


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