Israeli Defense Forces announced on May 29 the allocation of responsibilities to the body

The Israel Defense Forces announced the transfer of powers in the West Bank to the Civil Administration, led by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. The Israeli body is responsible for governing the occupied Palestinian region. The advertisement, according to the The Guardianwas made on May 29, but gained repercussions this week.

According to information from the British newspapersince Smotrich’s appointment, Israel has accelerated the approval of new settlement construction, legalized previously unauthorized outposts, and restricted Palestinian construction and mobility.

Smotrich is known for his extremist views and intends to have direct management of the West Bank by the Israeli government, decreasing the chances of legal reviews on Israeli settlement expansion.

Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard told Guardian that this measure eliminates doubts about Israel’s intention to annex the West Bank. “It transfers vast areas of administrative power from military command to Israeli civilians linked to the government.”he stated.

The Civil Administration is responsible for planning in Area C of the West Bank, which comprises 60% of the territory under Israeli control, as well as enforcing the law against unauthorized construction.


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