WHO claims to be out of contact with its collaborators and facilities in the region, and warns of the humanitarian situation

The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) said they had struck 150 underground Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday night (27.Oct.2023). According to the statement issued this Saturday morning (Oct 28), the attacks destroyed underground tunnels and killed Hamas fighters. This would have been the heaviest aerial bombardment of the war between Israel and Hamas to date.

During the night, fighters [de Israel] struck 150 underground targets in the northern Gaza Strip, including terrorist tunnels, underground combat spaces and additional underground infrastructure. Additionally, several Hamas terrorists were killed”, the IDF wrote on Telegram.

Among those killed was Asem Abu Rakaba, head of Hamas air operations who allegedly collaborated in the attack on Israel with drones and paragliders on October 7, according to the IDF.

Israeli forces also said they struck Hezbollah military infrastructure in Lebanon. The attack was in response to an offensive by the extremist group against Israeli territory, which ended up reaching Syria.

Information from Gaza is scarce. On Friday (Oct 27), attacks left the region without electricity or internet, increasing isolation and concerns about humanitarian issues.

The director general of the WHO (World Health Organization), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, communicated in a post on X, on Friday night (Oct 27), that the organization lost contact with its employees and health facilities in Gaza. “This siege leaves me seriously concerned about the safety and immediate health risks of vulnerable patients”, he stated.

In a new publication this Saturday morning (Oct 28), he issued another warning. He said that “evacuation of patients is not possible in these circumstances” is that “The blackout also makes it impossible for ambulances to reach the injured”. She called for an immediate ceasefire.

Understand the war in the Middle East




Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/israel-diz-ter-atingido-150-alvos-subterraneos-em-gaza/

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