First trucks with supplies entered the region; the release of 13 Israeli hostages and 39 Palestinian prisoners is expected

Israel and Hamas began this Friday (24.Nov.2023), at 7 am local time (2 am in Brasília), the fulfillment of a truce agreement on bombings in the Gaza Strip. The ceasefire must last at least 4 days and involves the release of Israeli hostages in return.

Mediated by Qatar, the USA and Egypt, the agreement establishes the release of 13 Israeli hostages by Hamas this Friday (Nov 24). 39 Palestinian prisoners must also be released by Israel.

According to Al Jazeeza (state channel of the Qatari monarchy), 3 trucks with supplies entered the Gaza Strip in the first hour of the truce, 2 of them transporting fuel and the 3rd, gas. During the 4 days of ceasefire, it was established that 300 trucks of humanitarian aid would be sent to Gaza and 4 trucks of fuel per day.

Videos published on social media show the movement of more vehicles in Rafah, an Egyptian city on the border with Gaza.

Images were also shared of families returning to their homes after 7 weeks of war.


In the first phase of the agreement, Hamas must release around 50 Israeli women and children under the age of 19 detained in Gaza, while Israel must release approximately 150 Palestinian prisoners – the majority of them women and minors.

In a statement published by Hamas on Wednesday (Nov 22) on Telegram, the group details other terms of the agreement. Are they:

  • ban on air traffic in southern Gaza for 4 days;
  • ban on air traffic in northern Gaza for 6 hours on each day of truce;
  • free movement of people, especially on Salah Al-Din Street, to facilitate movement from the north to the south of Gaza.

The agreement also establishes that Israel will allow approximately 300 trucks of humanitarian aid and 4 trucks of fuel to enter Gaza, across the border with Egypt.

In the 2nd phase of the agreement, Hamas will be able to release more hostages in exchange for Israel extending the ceasefire.

It is estimated that around 240 people have been held hostage since the war began on October 7, the majority of them Israelis.


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