Iran has warned Israel of a greater military response on its territory if it retaliates for the nighttime drone and missile attacks sent by Tehran in the early hours of this Sunday (14). Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi further added that the United States should not support Israeli military action.

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“If the Zionist regime [Israel] or his supporters demonstrate reckless behavior, they will receive a decisive and much stronger response,” Raisi said in a statement on Sunday morning.

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Raisi’s statement followed a similar warning from Iran’s military chief, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, who told state television that a “much greater” response awaits Israel “if it retaliates against Iran.”

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Bagheri said the Iranian attack on Israel “achieved all its objectives and, in our opinion, the operation is over and we do not intend to continue.”

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Three days in advance

Earlier on Sunday, the military warned the US that any support for Israeli retaliation would make its bases targets for Iran. However, in a sign that Iran’s response was calculated to avoid any major escalation, the Iranian foreign minister, Amir Abdollahian said Tehran informed the US of the planned attack 72 hours in advance and said the strikes would be “limited and for self-defense.”

The Iranian attack was a response to the Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital, Damascus, in early April. The attack killed at least 11 people, including three Syrians and a Lebanese. Among the dead was one of Iran’s top military commanders, Mohammad Reza Zahedi, from the country’s Revolutionary Guards.

More than 300 drones were sent from Iran in the first attack in the country’s history against Israeli territory. Almost all of them were intercepted by Israel’s defenses.

Netanyahu government

Israel said it will choose the right moment to respond to the Iranian attack.

“We will build a regional coalition and exact the price on Iran in the way and at the time that is right for us,” said War Minister Benny Gantz.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government office began an emergency meeting to discuss the issue.

The attack is the subject of an emergency meeting of the United Nations (UN) Security Council this Sunday.

Editing: Vivian Virissimo


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