Newspapers talk about the historic flood, President Lula’s visit to the State and the struggle to rescue victims

The heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul have been resonating in the international media in recent days. According to the Civil Defense Bulletin released at 6pm this Sunday (May 5, 2024), 78 people have died since the start of the storm.

Newspaper publications around the world mention the difficulty in rescuing victims and the historic flood in the State. The Guaíba River, which flows through the capital Porto Alegre, has already surpassed the 5.3 meter mark.

The British The Guardian cited recent Civil Defense data and the visit of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and his delegation to the region.

Reproduction/The Guardian – May 5, 2024

British newspaper The Guardian talking about the number of dead and missing

The french The world said that Rio Grande do Sul “continues to be devastated by floods.”

Reproduction/X – May 5, 2024

The French Le Monde talks about “deadly floods”

Argentine Clarín said that authorities are racing against time to rescue the victims in time.

Reproduction/Clarín – May 5, 2024

Or Argentine Clarín

The North American ABC News also cited the record flood in the State.

Reproduction/ABC News – May 5, 2024

ABC News

Still using old data, without taking into account the Civil Defense update at 6pm this Sunday (May 5, 2024), the North American NBC said that Rio Grande do Sul is experiencing its worst flood in the last 80 years.

Reproduction/NBC News – May 5, 2024

NBC News talks full story

On Thursday (May 2), the North American The New York Times said the rains “isolated cities” and left residents trapped waiting for rescue.

Reproduction/The New York Times – May 2, 2024

The New York Times


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