Published 05/08/2023 11:12 | Edited 8/8/2023 10:48 AM
The ComunicaSul Agency for Collaborative Communication leaves for Ecuador in the first days of August to follow the presidential elections that take place on Sunday (20) confronting the national and popular project of the opposition with the neocolonial, submissive to the financial system and transnationals, embraced by the media venal.
To make journalistic coverage possible in a dollarized country, the collective has been committed to mobilizing for the collection of resources. Producer and director of more than 70 films, author of award-winning feature films such as Jango and Os Anos JK, filmmaker and documentary filmmaker Silvio Tendler is one of the important names in the fundraising campaign. “I have followed the work of ComunicaSul for a long time, which I love and respect. Those who can support will not have their time wasted, because they work seriously and deserve our affection and encouragement”, he reinforced.
Veteran combatant of the internationalist cause since the times of the “Cadernos do Terceira Mundo”, journalist and writer Paulo Cannabrava Filho is a great promoter of the initiative. In Cannabrava’s understanding, “CommunicaSul brings together youth and experience, adding alternative media to confront the lies of neoliberalism, state terrorism and fascism”. Therefore, he guarantees, “in the elections in Ecuador it will be a powerful instrument to bring us information and bring the realities of our countries and peoples closer together, in order to consolidate the construction of development, democracy and sovereignty”,
Journalist Altamiro Borges, president of the Centro de Estudos de Mídia Barão de Itararé, stated that “the ComunicaSul collective is one of the most beautiful experiences of independent, collaborative journalism committed to Latin American integration and the struggle of the peoples of our continent” . For Miro, “it is a press that needs to be valued and supported, as it makes a counterpoint to the hegemonic Brazilian media, which has a mongrel complex, a colonized view of the empire, which looks more like a Rastaquera branch of the US State Department. USA”.
“Collective work of more than a decade”
The former president of the International Democratic Federation of Women (Fdim), Márcia Campos, attested that “the work carried out by Agência ComunicaSul is carried out by professionals deeply committed to making truth and justice echo”. “It is a collective of communicators that for more than a decade has been dedicated to integration and the battle to remove the gag placed by those who make information a business. In Ecuador, it will once again make a difference,” she highlighted.
“We support the professionals of ComunicaSul for the important alternative work they have been developing, with advanced communication”, declared former deputy Nivaldo Santana, secretary of International Relations of the Central dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Brasil (CTB). “The collective’s next undertaking will be to accompany the presidential elections in Ecuador, which are strategic to strengthen the progressive wave that has flooded the continent”, clarified Nivaldo, highlighting the relevance of the entities’ participation.
The president of the National Federation of Journalists (Fenaj), Samira de Castro, said that “contributing with the on-site presence of ComunicaSul, which provides coverage that is truly independent and free of the unique thinking that dominates the traditional Brazilian media, is to bring information from public interest and bias of the interconnection of Latin America”.
According to journalist and cartoonist Gilberto Maringoni, a professor at the Federal University of ABC, “Ecuador is a strategic dispute, where both a right-wing and a center-left project are at stake, which will have a great weight in shaping not only the continent, but as well as in the development of the country”. “Hence the importance of this coverage, as the professionals at ComunicaSul are free from the constraints of the traditional press”, he asserted.
“A wonderful collective that covers without filters”
In a recorded statement, which circulates through the networks, singer and songwriter Kátia Teixeira invites “everyone to get to know and contribute to this wonderful collective, which performs coverage without filters, committed to the truth”. “By sharing the content that ComunicaSul has been producing over the years, we are bursting the bubble, making it known what is really happening in the open veins of our Latin America”, she emphasized.
State deputy Sinésio da Silva Campos, leader of the Workers’ Party (PT) in Amazonas, recalled that “presidents Lula and Rafael Correa started the Manta-Manaus bioceanic project, which links the Pacific to the Atlantic, and goes against the interests of the States. States, which wants to maintain our dependency via the Panama Canal”. “As both there and here economic groups insist on winning electoral victories with the massive dissemination of lies, we need to invest in independent and quality means of communication such as ComunicaSul to democratize information hidden by interests contrary to the development of our countries and peoples”, he defended , since “the victory of the integrationist project is the defeat of Uncle Sam”.
The president of the Union of Journalists of São Paulo, Thiago Tanji praised the “exquisite work that the staff of ComunicaSul has carried out in recent times in Chile, Colombia and in several countries of the continent” and made a “special invitation for everyone to collaborate with whomever performs an essential service for the free flow of information”.
According to doctor Werner Rempel, councilor of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) in Santa Maria, “contributing to ComunicaSul is investing in strengthening the democratization of communication, in quality information, without half-truths, capitulations or manipulations”. “The coverage of the elections in Ecuador will once again make a difference by echoing in Brazil the voice of political leaders and social movements that defend democracy and Latin American integration, against the interests of the financial system and transnationals”, he pointed out. .
“Agência ComunicaSul is victorious, a beautiful collective experience of more than a decade in which the media joined together to make a difference”, pointed out economist Nilson Araújo de Souza, president of the Union of Writers of the State of São Paulo. In his assessment, “in Ecuador it will be a force to disseminate information with data and rich content, as opposed to fake news and the silence of the venal media”.
In the understanding of journalist João Franzin, from Agência Sindical, “more than ever, for the affirmation of projects of national development and consolidation of rights, it is essential to invest in a communication network that expresses the vision of the workers, contrary to the coverage made by the great media”.
Homage to Jaime Roldós
On the occasion, ComunicaSul will pay homage to former Ecuadorian President Jaime Roldós Aguilera. Leader of the Concentration of Popular Forces (CFP) and founder of the People, Change and Democracy Party, Roldós was assassinated at the age of 40 by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) in an air “accident” on May 24, 1981. do Avanço”, the leader had been putting into practice his National Development Plan to break with the chains of backwardness and dependence.
For the actor, composer and poet Luiz Carlos Bahia, “with the presence of the ComunicaSul Agency in Ecuador, Jaime Roldós lives, because those who fight for the respect and dignity of ideas continue to live”. “An idea nobody kills!”, He emphasized.
Source: ComunicaSul
Editing: Barbara Luz
Source: vermelho.org.br