Around 150 students left the ceremony carrying signs with phrases such as “Books, not bombs” and “Divest from war”

Around 150 students left the Yale University graduation ceremony on Monday (May 20, 2024), in a pro-Palestine act. According to the agency Reutersthey call for the end of the educational institution’s ties with Israeli companies.

Many of the protesters carried signs with phrases such as “books, not bombs” e “disinvest in war”. Yet, “drop the charges” e “protect freedom of expression”, in reference to actions to demobilize pro-Palestinian camps at other North American universities. Among them, the entry of the police into the campuses, the arrest of protesters and the initiation of disciplinary proceedings against students and teachers who participated in the acts.

Some of the protesters wore red gloves, symbolizing bloody hands.

The students’ departure came as Yale President Peter Salovey began calling out the graduates’ names. Removal of students drew a chorus of applause from those present, but the protest was peaceful and uninterrupted. No mention of the act was made on stage.

See images published on social media:

The demonstrations organized by students against the war in the Gaza Strip were promoted by Columbia University in New York. Protesters call for an end to the war in the Gaza Strip. They also demand that universities separate themselves financially and academically from institutions and companies linked to the Israeli government.

From April 18 to May 3, at least 2,300 protesters were arrested at universities across the United States. Arrests were recorded in places such as Yale, Dartmouth College, Princeton and Columbia, which are part of the Ivy League (group of the best universities in the USA).


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