The decision was made after conviction for illegal purchase of weapons; defense of US president’s son wants new trial

Hunter Biden, son of United States President Joe Biden, had his license to practice law in Washington DC suspended by the Court of Appeals in the US capital. The decision promulgated this Tuesday (June 25, 2024) came after the Democrat’s son was convicted of illegally purchasing a weapon.

The court’s order determined the “immediate suspension from the practice of law” of Hunter Biden in Washington, citing the seriousness of the charges and the jury’s verdict. Additionally, the D.C. Board of Professional Responsibility was instructed to “institute a formal procedure” to assess offenses and engage “moral clumsiness”.

The Washington Office of Disciplinary Counsel had previously classified Hunter Biden’s offenses as a “crime grave”, resulting in an automatic suspension under board rules. Hunter has been licensed to practice law in Washington since 2007.


On June 11, a federal jury in Delaware Court convicted Hunter Biden in the gun case. The US president’s eldest son was found guilty on 3 charges related to the purchase of the revolver in October 2018.

According to the jury’s decision, the crime was committed because Hunter lied when he said he did not use drugs when filling out the necessary document to acquire the weapon. At the time, he was addicted to illegal drugs such as cocaine and crack.

A sentencing date for the trial has not yet been set. Hunter faces up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000. However, as he is a first-time offender, he should receive a lighter sentence. Hunter is also expected to appeal the sentence.

This is the first time that an immediate family member of a sitting US president has been found guilty of a crime. In an interview with ABC News, published on June 6, Biden said he would not pardon his son if he were convicted. He also stated that he would accept the verdict.


The trial against Hunter Biden began on June 3. He was indicted in September 2023 for illegal possession of a weapon. The case was brought to the US Court by prosecutor David Weiss, appointed in 2017 by Donald Trump, former US president.

In October 2023, Hunter pleaded not guilty to charges including:

  • making a false statement when purchasing a firearm;
  • making a false statement relating to information required to be maintained by a federally licensed firearms dealer;
  • possession of a firearm by a person who is an illegal user of or addicted to a controlled substance.

In addition to the illegal possession of a weapon case, Hunter Biden faces a charge of tax crimes. He allegedly evaded more than $1.5 million in taxes in 2017 and 2018.

In June 2023, Hunter’s defense attempted a plea deal to avoid prosecution. The proposal asked that, if he pleaded guilty to two counts of misdemeanor tax, he would be able to avoid prosecution for illegal possession of a weapon. However, judge Maryellen Noreika rejected the deal.


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